Thursday 17 May 2012

Finished Head

Havnt got onto hair, but i found a brush that does the trick, might to be the best thing to do to the model though :)

Head Modelling

I had a go at Head Modelling, a great skill to have when creating people or humanoid figures. after watching a few tutorials on organic head modelling i produced this which i feel is in proportion apart from the nose. i started modelling from the tip of the sphere which ended up being the nose and whenever i would shape the nose it would just merge into a sharp point. wasnt going to start again as i went so far. i am please with this work :)

Thursday 26 April 2012

Lizard Man

Love the outcome of this. After spending a few hours on this and then looking at it again later, i think it really has a strong form and distinct features of real animals and humans. Zbrush is definately growing on me and i would like to produce more pieces like this.i still have a lot to learn but putting in the hours will help me accomplish certain obstacles.

ZBrush Experiment

Before easter id been shown some zbrush models and was told 'it not as hard as you think'. this gave me a lot of inspiration to actually give it a go. after getting to know the software and shortcuts i made this frankenstein of a creature. Zbrush really gets your imagination going as simple manipulations and adjustments can shift your veiw from one creature into another, in this case it was in the middle from an insect to a dog.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Nearly There...

Gettin' There..

using the adjustment layers that iv recently learnt to use from the Daarken tutorial.. Gettin' there :)

So Far So Good

Had an idea of him jumping over a wall or something so i looked up a few action poses

as i was going on the drawing didnt really feel very 'nightcrawler-y' so i looked up a few more poses

starting to have a bit more character and energy

liking it so far.. using the same technique for drawing as i have in other pieces